It is a surgical procedure to improve the shape and tone of the body by removing excess skin and fatty deposits. Poor skin elasticity owing to genetic defects, pregnancy, exposure to sunlight and pregnancy causes sagging of the abdomen, buttocks and thighs. Body lift surgery involves rectification of these defects.

For example, individuals achieving significant weight loss by 100 pounds or more through bariatric surgery or rigorous weight loss regimes can get rid of excess loosened skin by body lift surgery. Excessive loosening of the skin can cause restricted mobility and give rise to rashes and infections. The surgery generally involves the abdominal area extending to the sides and lower back, waist buttocks and thighs inner, outer and the posterior part.

Is Body lift right for you?

If you are intending for body lift surgery, you must maintain good health without any pre-existing medical conditions or active diseases. You must be committed to a healthy lifestyle through proper nutrition and exercise. Your surgeon will assess your physical conditions and detail you about the risks involved and possible complications allowing making an informed decision.